#29- The Dumbass Diaries

3 min readMay 6, 2021

Rant-man frequently tells me that sober is an acronym for:


Of a




That feels true. Especially since I just traveled to a state where cannabis is still against the law, but polygamy is celebrated. Chew on that for a minute…..

With extra spouses comes extra crowded car rides, and family car rides are the top number 3.14159265359% cause of domestic violence, according to my extensive research…………………………………….(I didn’t do any research. I have a day job, reader. I entertain you for fun.)

There are too many damned Volkswagens on the road these days. My kids savagely abuse me practically every time we are going somewhere for their torturous “game.” Instead of slug bug, we need to start playing whack Cadillac. It would be WAY more fun, and there are not as many Cadillacs on the road. They’d be harder to find, and you would still get to abuse your family members physically. Who wouldn’t love that? You know it’ll lead to some greatly exaggerated family stories, anyway.

If you think about it, we humans are basically a collection of our own stories. SO-if we are in a simulation, wouldn’t that mean our experiences are our data files? Some files would get corrupted over time with age or unexpectedly, and those files would be replaced or removed.

Aaaaannnnddddd……..some of our files already have a virus that threatens to infect us all. The virus of hatred and inflexible self-preservation. And people who put the toilet paper roll on facing the wrong way.

Damn. That’s some powerful shit right there, isn’t it? Or, maybe it just seems that way because of the THC/CBD tincture I had a little over an hour ago. Either way, 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯!

*SIGH* It’s week 782,000 of the pandemic now. There doesn’t seem to be too great of a slow-down on the spread, but everyone seems to be pretty well “over it.” The psychological aspect of this mess is threatening to mirror the physical aspect in its damages done. BUT, there’s weed. And it’s legal where I am. So I shall soldier on and continue looking for the meaning in this whacky world.

There are not as many arrows in the grocery store’s aisles now, probably because no one really followed those rules anyway. We are a rebellious bunch of rabble-rousers, aren’t we? There is still a significant amount of the population covering only their mouth with their masks leaving their noses hanging out. Dangling like little peckers with nostrils. Many tv dramas have integrated the pandemic in their storylines pretty well. And some delightfully awful B-movies have been created incorporating a pandemic that turns into……..(drumroll please)….. You guessed it, a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. That’s what we are all hoping for, right? The chance to be a hero for giving a headshot to an undead version of our last supervisor? The one that made overtime mandatory and made you come in on holidays? Sorry, Russell, you’ve comp’d your last free “work dinner” with your frat buddies.

Online learning seems to be working out well…ON OPPOSITE DAY! I was a full-grown adult when I attended college online, and it’s only maturity, dedication, and focus that makes you successful with the virtual mode of learning. How many kids have those traits? Negative 300 million, to be exact. See above for my research disclaimer.

How about we make our kids into permanent housekeepers? The hell with formal education (apparently it’s useless if you ask certain parts of the American population anyway), just help mama get the kitchen cleaned, and the yard mowed so she can go back to watching This is Us and weeping like a leaky faucet while simultaneously playing games on her phone. Because, self-care.

Oh well. We are just biding our time until the robots take over anyways.





I’m a very important executive by day, and a whimsical mama with two kiddos, an awesome husband, and some dogs by night. Read my blog at www.hbitbt.com