3 min readFeb 22, 2021

I was feeling all high and mighty with my “billionaires implanting people with microchips is bullshit” viewpoint and here you go and bitchslap me with your real ass “Neuralink” and their Implantable brain-machine interfaces. What the actual F, man?!

The goal is to treat brain diseases and shit in the short-term, but in the long term it may lead to “human enhancement?” Dont we already have Cialis for that? Oh wait, different type of enhancements. Like playing music in your head without headphones.

Are you an alien, Elon? Have you visited us from far, far away where people are much more advanced and you’re helping out us neanderthalians with the satellites and space travel and whatnot?
I see how you are, though, Elon. I see you.

First, you infiltrate the peace-loving hippies because we’re too trusting. And we love music. Especially when we’re high. You have learned our ways first, as we are the obvious most advanced of the humans. Next, will you be enticing the conservative and leftie populations through the promise of instant gratification through dopamine hits to the brain?

Neuralink chip has detected sadness. Dopamine trigger engaged. Human calmed down. Beep bop boop bop beep

Will THAT become the new currency??!!

I’m pretty sure this was the plot to a bad-guy-takes-over-the-world book I read at some point, and you’re the prime SUS for the antagonist of this universe….

***SUS is also kid-talk-gobbledygook for “suspicious,” apparently when playing a popular but graphically simple game called “Among Us.” And now, there are songs on YouTube about it. The worst part? They’re actually kinda catchy….

Anyways, I’m done talking about our modern day celebrity wealthy dude, I have more purposeful shit to think about. Like an old dead dude. Which one, you ask? The Godfather of Philosophy, of course: Socrates. This one took a LOT of reading to form an opinion about, reader, so you better enter me into your daily gratitude journal. Shit’s about to get real.
Here we go down the rabbit hole….

Dude never even wrote anything down, but he spoke so much truth that his student Plato (and some other one I forget, started with an X) wrote a LOT about his stories and thought processes and what-not. The Socratic Dialogues.

How sweet would it be to have so much wisdom that all you gotta do is talk out loud and then one of your followers will write what you say so your words will live on long after you do? Take that down, Randy. And where the hell are my meeting minutes?!

Socrates walked around barefoot all the time (like my favorite Soulrocker) and died by being forced to drink hemlock, a highly poisonous plant from the Parsley family.

He was the first to search for universal definitions for moral values. He was also a stonemason and may or may not have made some famous statues. There’s arguments for and against the statue-making thing. Apparently fake news was alive back then too? Or maybe humans back then had differing interpretations of reality just like humans today do-I suppose that would be the more rational conclusion, huh?

Homie hooked us up with “the Socratic method” which was designed to force one to examine one’s own beliefs and the validity of such beliefs.

As in, endlessly asking “what if?” questions.

Damn, that’s……that’s beautiful. He also compared himself and his teachings to that of a midwife, delivering their own ideas to them. The dude was progressive, I’d say.

This method is also a form of “cooperative argumentative dialogue.” Like, disagreeing but being civil in presenting our viewpoints? I am so down with that.

I’m also down to the end of my Nasty Jack’s supply. D.A.R.E. to tune in next week for another exciting episode of my brain on drugs.





I’m a very important executive by day, and a whimsical mama with two kiddos, an awesome husband, and some dogs by night. Read my blog at www.hbitbt.com